Avani Shah

Equiivalence is a sustainable jewellery brand born out of a vision that slow fashion can also be affordable high fashion. All our products are responsibly made through every stage of our supply chain and handcrafted in India by our skilled artisans and a wonderful team, who are the backbone of Equiivalence.

We came to being as Equiivalence, as the philosophy that every being is equal and no greater than our environment that provides for us. Our logo signifies the equality we stand for within nature and humanity.

We believe every living organism, whether plant or human, deserves to be treated with respect and care. We believe in consumption that does not hamper nature’s balance. We use only cruelty-free, nature-approved materials and compensate fair, respectful wages to the highly skilled artisans behind each handcrafted product that reaches you. Creating fashion that is not bound by the seasonal cycles of the industry is important to us. All of our creations are made to last for we create fashion that is beyond tomorrow.


our Work